Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lord in your mercy

hear our prayer

as these words that we repeat

occupy our mouth

and focus our attention

on repetition

on something known

so that as we are busy

we might not have time to take care of ourselves

Lord in your mercy

hear our prayer

as we come to the table

set from all time

for all time

for all of us

and even for me

to do something known

Let us eat. Let us drink.

Lord in your mercy

hear our prayer

so that newness

does not simply look like new things

what is fastest and shiniest

but rather the most familiar

that turned but a hair

to reveal

that we have so much to learn today

Lord in your mercy

hear our prayer

as we fit our bodies

and ensure our bodies are fit

so that we do not become flabby

or more horrifying

become lame

Let us hear anew

that weakness was scary to you

in the garden

and yet you blessed us as you were broken

Lord in your mercy

hear our prayer

as clouded days

where we do not feel so much like moving

threaten to tell us we missed out on all opportunities

that would have made us worthy

Let darkness be as light

and let us not lean so heavily upon our choices

so that we might believe they be our salvation

or our condemnation

Lord in your mercy

hear our prayer

as we try to understand

that the order of things is no order

as a thousand years is no time at all

that in giving we can receive

and dying we are raised to new life

Let our today be seen as grass

as we see all you have created

and all whom you have breathed upon

as worthy of our respect and love

Lord in your mercy

hear our prayer

that confusion and shame would not be passed on

from that which is confusing and shameful within us

but that we might be met in our pain

satisfied in our lack of knowledge

comforted in our sadness

and calmed in our anger

Let us learn to speak

of what stirs inside

so that what works so hard inside

might be spoken to

Lord in your mercy

hear our prayer