Thursday, April 10, 2008


Elderberry Extract
Herbal Resistance fluid
Zinc Supplement
Cod Liver Oil
Neti Pot
Vitamin C
Colloidal Silver

- The previous is a list of everything I have tried to rid myself of a sinus infection. I am literally supporting my immune system 101% and this body of mine cannot gain the upper hand. Its not even worth hoping when I wake up feeling a little better. I will probably forget eat to that orange or drink those 8 glasses of water and my body will roll over and submit to this nagging sickness again.

Possible Solutions:
1. Go to the doctor (Not preferred due to monetary reasons and laziness)
2. Take more colloidal silver (although that has turned at least one man completely blue - youtube it)
3. Add Pom Juice (extra expense)
4. Remove soda from routine - ( The "herbal remedy and mr. pibb diet" doesn't seem to work well)
5. Remove nose (obvious disadvantage)

- Maybe I should just welcome this infection as a new part of my life. I'm down with a good parasite.


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