Monday, April 16, 2007

Mission Journal Day 1

This is a collection of the journal entries that I wrote while traveling to China this past 06-07 New Year. I realize that there are lots of them, but If you read them, I hope you gain an appreciation for the work that God is doing over there. I am so blessed to have been able to take part in this trip and I pray that somehow the Lord will bless you as you read. I apologize in advance for any spelling errors. I didn't feel like being real critical as I copied these all day long.

The Mission Team
-Marla Witzig -- Jon Goodyear -- Jason Knowles -- Mika Bertsche -- Drew Henricks -- Jeff Witzig -- Our leaders Tim and Laura Bertsche

Missionaries we visited
Doug and Jen Witzig and their sons Zack, Luke, and Joel
Craig and Roxie Graves

--I woke up today at 7:30 a.m. not realizing how soon the flight from Peoria took off. Jason and I rode in row 8 as the emergency helpers. So, just in case the plane crashed into a mountain or body of water, we would surely die. Thankfully nothing happened on our 20 minute flight to the Windy City. As we were descending, the plane's reflection on the clouds had a complete rainbow around it. Quite a beautiful sight I must say.

We landed safely in Chicago, grabbed a Cinnabon, and are now awaiting the boarding process on UN835. I wrote this day 1 journal right now because we will be fast forwarding in time. We will be essentially be traveling 31 hours in 15. So, that should be good on the ole internal clock. Nothing like a little time travel I always have said. That last sentence may have bad grammar. Mmmm....McDonalds. Some guy is eating right near me. Welp, here we go. Let's hit up the future.


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