Well, this word "preparation" has continuously been on my mind. I really cannot shake it. I am realizing that this word encompasses my overall motivation in life. The preparation that is happening and will happen until I die comes with the promise of finally grasping that which I am actually preparing for.
This mindset that I am developing brings a fresh new outlook on what I do on a day to day basis. In fact, it is because I have hope for something ultimately and exceedingly better that I find the state of preparation to be a wonderful motivation for existence.
Preparation is longing for the future. Preparing is believing that this step, right here and right now, is crucial to the realization of what is being hoped for. This is not to be confused with losing sight of the here and now and neglecting present circumstance. In fact, I would say that neglect of current circumstance, no matter how small, is the antithesis of preparation. Preparation brings to light the necessity of the present to even reach that future hope.
I am in college now. I study the Bible, I read many books, I write long papers, and it is all incredibly and absolutely necessary. A mind of preparation, while struggling with seeing some things as trite, eventually concedes to and fully invests in the task at hand. I see this time of dedication to my schoolwork as necessary to being effective in ministry. However, my preparation for ministry brings about the next level of preparation: ministry.
Ministry is not my end. I don't reach full-time ministry and finally have my education pay off. I reach the next stepping stone of ministry and see it as the next platform for my ultimate and final goal: eternal presence and unhindered worship of my God and King.
I am being prepared for eternal glory. Each opportunity that I am given to prepare my heart more and more for the King is a blessing beyond compare. The longer I am blessed to live faithfully, the longer I am blessed to see other's preparation to join with me in Christ's inheritance.
This knowledge allows me to see the true blessing and true purpose of every moment I have on this earth. If this is not legit, then my life is a waste. But, it is legit and I know it.
1 Corinthians 15:19
"If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men."
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